Rotario - Staying Connected!
March 2, 2023

Club Meetings

1st & 3rd Thursdays
5:30pm Social
Round Table Pizza
686 Sutton Way, Grass Valley
Check out our new website!


2nd & 4th Thursdays
12:15pm Lunch
Bistro 221 - Back Room
221 Broad St, Nevada City
And find the RSVP button!
Greetings to all Nevada City Rotary members and friends,
Dear fellow Rotarians and friends,

I am looking out the window at the snow softly falling on an already-white landscape, and as of this writing, snow is forecast for another three days (at least). Already three Rotary events have been cancelled last week (Presidents’ mid-year visit with the District Governor; the Music Contest winners’ public concert; our live Thursday lunch meeting), and likely you all have had a number of personal plans canceled as well. How quickly we are reminded that we are not in complete control of things!
Photo credit: Robin
And yet, we are people of action, so we will go ahead and continue planning our activities. As we witnessed under Tom M’s and Cathy’s presidencies during the height of the pandemic, we are a flexible group and know how to pivot! This Thursday March 2 at 5:30 at Round Table Pizza, we will get to hear Louise Johnson’s “Craft Talk”. She will share with us her experiences as a teacher, school principal, and superintendent which she has entitled “On Any Given Day”. (Louise has also confided that she is a closet stand-up comedian, so this should be fun!).
Next week March 9, we will not be gathering at Bistro 221 for lunch because the Foundation Dinner is that evening at the Miners Foundry. (See below if you would like to join us.) A heads-up: we’ve been informed by Bistro 221 owner Melissa that her costs have gone up, so when we do meet there on March 23, our cost will increase to $23/person.

We have completed showing the 6-part video series “Climate Solutions 101”. Now it’s time to put our heads together and identify what we’ve learned, how this relates to us, and what we might do as a club for Rotary’s Seventh Area of Focus Supporting the Environment. Watch for a survey coming from your club Environmental Sustainability committee to help prompt this discussion. A program will be set aside in the next few months for this process.

Hoping you are all warm, dry, and have electricity!

In service,
Chris (and Carolyn)
Read more about Club news and successes in our Nevada City Rotary Club Stories...
Area 4 Foundation Dinner with RID Vicki Puliz
We are excited to announce that Rotary International Director Vicki Puliz will be the keynote speaker for our Area 4 Foundation Dinner on Thursday, March 9th at Miners Foundry.
A long-time Rotary member from the Rotary Club of Sparks and our own District 5190, Vicki is a vibrant energizer and engaging speaker. Our Foundation Dinner will be a special time to welcome RID Vicki to our Area and celebrate our contributions to The Rotary Foundation and Paul Harris Fellow achievements.
The Foundation Dinner will start at 5:30pm. Dinner by Antonio is $65 per person with a no host bar.  Please RSVP directly with Lynda Guthrie so our Club knows who is attending. You can pay with credit card via Grass Valley Rotary's website or give Lynda or Treasurer Tom Ryan cash or check.
Click image for a printable flyer.
D5190 Gathering of the Clans Conference

Registration for 2023 District 5190 Conference is now open! 

This year’s Conference will have a Scottish theme - both because of DG Jeff’s Scottish heritage and it sets the stage for a lot of fun! 
What can you expect? Our #Gathering2023 will include: Highland Games, Whisky Tasting, Rotary Youth Exchange Students, Rotaract Members, Keynote Speakers, Breakout Sessions, Interpretive Nature Walk and Tree Planting, Beer Tasting, Golf Tournament, Storytelling from the Clans, Music Contest, Speech Contest, House of Friendship, Spèrsail (FUN!!)

Click District 5190 Gathering of the Clans for details on programs, speakers, hotel bookings and much more! 

Don't miss the Gathering of the Clans April 28 - 30, 2023 at Harrah's in South Loch Tahoe!

Ready to register?  Click the Conference Registration button. Special pricing for new members!
To book hotel rooms at Harrah's in South Lake Tahoe, click the Hotel Registration button.
More hotel details are on the District Gathering of the Clans page.
Return to Los Barriles for Health Screening
Come join us for our club’s 7th International project with the Rotary Club of Los Barriles, Cabo del Este March 14 through March18, 2023.  A growing cadre of Rotarians - including 49er, family, and friends is planning to participate this year.
Contact Paul Boch for more details:Tel. 530-712-7273  Email:  Paul is encouraging participants to make reservations at the Los Barriles Hotel now while rooms are available.  
Mar 02, 2023 5:30 PM
Craft Talk: Any Given Day
Mar 09, 2023 5:30 PM
The Rotary Foundation
Mar 16, 2023 5:30 PM
Enjoy cameraderie with fellow Rotarians, friends and family!
Mar 19, 2023 2:00 PM
St Joseph’s Cultural Center - Being rescheduled
Mar 23, 2023 12:15 PM
Amigos de Guatemala Presentation
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Carolyn Inglis
February 2
Giudita Soldavini
February 28
Dennis Geare
March 4
Carolyn Feuille
March 6
Lynda Guthrie
March 16
Lynn Skrukrud
March 26
Carolyn Inglis
Mike Inglis
February 28
Chris Newsom
William Newsom Jr.
March 18
Stacy Drake Robinson
Dave Robinson
March 30


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Board Meetings

Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month.  Our next meeting will be March 13 at 4:00pm via Zoom.

Not a Board member but want to join us?  Contact Robin or reply to this Rotario for instructions.  All club members are encouraged to attend a meeting. Location subject to change, please ask.

Rotary Club of Nevada City — Established October 3, 1935


Rotary Vision

TOGETHER, we see a world where PEOPLE unite and take action to CREATE lasting CHANGE across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves

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