Members asked for more information on the Tuesday evening meditations and Trauma Healing Circles Michael hosts. Michael invites you to join him Tuesdays starting at 6pm at Inner Path Yoga & Meditation Center, 200 Commercial Street. Sessions are offered by donation as a service to our community. Contact Michael at 530 277-0937 if you want more information or visit
Michael Stone is a spiritual author, mentor, shamanic practitioner, radio host, producer, and trauma integration facilitator who co-creates individual and group environments and experiences that support people in transcending the myth of separation, and experiencing deep and profound interconnection with others and all of life. Michael hosts healing circles and one-on-one coaching to learn to manage the symptoms of childhood trauma, PTSD, stress, overwhelm and anxiety.
You may know Michael through KVMR's Conversations, hosted by Michael Stone, which for many years brought forward leading edge thinkers in the areas of Environmental Restoration, Social Justice and Spiritual Fulfillment. Through Conversations, Michael and his audience look for positive solutions to local and global issues that leave you touched, moved and inspired to action. Weekly guests have included local and global experts and concerned citizens working together to heal the wounds that separate, alienate and marginalize people...