Congratulations Lyazzat and the Rotary Club of Astana, Kazakhstan
The August 2022 edition of Rotary Magazine includes story of the Club's Inclusive Playground Project!
The Rotary Club of Astana in late 2018 inaugurated its first inclusive playground in a country sorely in need of such opportunities. Named Kunshyaq, or “Sunshine,” the playground has specialized swings, ramps, merry-go-rounds, and other equipment to accommodate children with and without disabilities and instill values of tolerance and empathy. While the municipal council of the capital city, now called Nur-Sultan, donated the land, Rotary members in Astana, led by Past President Lyazzat Alshinova, generated about $55,000 from club members, other District 2430 clubs, embassies and other organizations, and proceeds from an art auction and ball. The playground is such a hit that the club, composed of Kazakhstanis and expatriates, raised funds for a second one in the capital.

Nevada City Rotary enjoyed hosting Lyazzat in Nevada City - including marching in our Fourth of July Parade!
Read the story in Rotary Magazine at Rotary Projects Around the Globe (page 17).