Create Hope in the World
Dec 14, 2023 12:15 PM
Stacy Graham, District Governor (RSVP)
Create Hope in the World
Stacy joined Rotary in 2000. While in Auburn Daybreak Stacy served as Club President twice, 2010-2011 & 2015-2016, and served as club Vocational Chair, Club Secretary, Public Image, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster. In 2017 the Rotary Club of Auburn Daybreak changed formats and became the Rotary Club of Sierra Passport. Stacy was one of the three instrumental members to make that change possible. In 2018 Stacy transferred to the Rotary Club of Auburn Gold Country and served as Club President in 2020-2021.
At the District level Stacy served as Vocational Chair 2012-2015 & 2019-2023, Facebook Chair 2013-continued, RLI Facilitator, Area 5 Assistant Governor 2017-2020, Co/Chair District Conference 2017, Sargent At Arms PETS 2013, member of the district training team and partnered with Past District 5180 Governor Ray Ward in 2019-2020.
Stacy is a proud member of the Bequest Society, Paul Harris Society, and Polio Plus Society. She is a Major Donor and member of District 5190 Triple Crown.