As Rotarian
Doug has served as a club director, club officer, and club president. His Rotary volunteer service included leadership and participation in dozens of Rotary service projects and community events, as well as organizing and leading weekly club meetings and various committees.
Doug has served Rotary in the area of youth programs such as Interact Club organizer, Rotary Youth International Exchange, Rotary Eighth Grade Leadership Experience, and Rotary Achievement Beyond Obstacles. Doug served as an Assistant District Governor and District Governor 2017-2018. In addition to serving in many District leadership roles, Doug represented District 5190 in the 2022 Rotary International Council on Legislation. He is a major donor, Paul Harris Society Member, Bequest Society Member, and Triple Crown Donor.
Through BSA
Doug served simultaneously as a volunteer in various councils, including a tenure as an Exploring Training Chair, Cubmaster, Troop Committee Member, and Council Commissioner. Doug staffed two BSA National Jamborees and was a subcamp chief for the 2019 World Jamboree. He also served on National Explorer Congress staff, Philmont staff, PTC faculty for several separate sessions. He served on the Western Region Exploring Committee for three years, and the Western Region Alumni Committee for ten years.
Following his retirement, Doug continued his Scouting registration and service as a Unit Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner, and Council Member-at-large in Golden Empire Council, and an active member of the Advisory Council for Redwood Empire Council till present. During this time, he has also chaired the National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) Assessment process for six years for the Western Region Area 3, and then became Vice Chair for the Western Region NCAP.
Doug McDonald has achieved distinction in his career and in his volunteer work for the community and the world, many call him a mentor and friend. Doug’s accomplishments and continued service elevate the stature of Eagle Scouts in the public eye, and he is an example of the Scout Oath and Scout Law to those around him.
Congratulations Doug on receiving the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award. We thank you for your service to Scouting and the Rotary community.