Join us Thursday, July 18 at 5:30pm for a field trip and tour of InConcert Sierra‘s new Crown Point Events Complex. We will meet Steve Mendoza in the back parking lot behind the venue at:
125 Crown Point Court in Grass Valley (map)
in the Whispering Pines Business Park
We will be touring an active construction site and closed toe shoes are required. We will tour the venue as a group so please arrive shortly before 5:30pm to begin the tour promptly.
Please read important instructions about the tour and parking that follow.
Nevada City Rotarians and Guests,
This is a friendly reminder that your walkthrough tour of the Crown Point Events Complex is coming up soon. We hope you're excited!
~ Your walkthrough tour is on Thursday, July 18, at 5:30 p.m. ~
The entire experience will take place at the new building. In the past, certain portions of the event have occurred at our office, which is just down the street from the site of the new building. That is not the case for this walkthrough and presentation. The whole event will be held at the new building!
- The new building site is located at 125 Crown Point Court, Grass Valley, 95945 (map).
- Please arrive by 5:30 p.m. Drive through the front gate and around the right-hand side of the building to the back parking lot. There is plenty of parking available, and someone will be on site to greet you, of course.
The building is currently an active construction site. Please wear closed-toed shoes. 
- Although it is forecast to be sunny and quite warm through the rest of the summer, please come in layers if you are prone to getting chilly easily. Certain portions of the tour go through parts of the building which are exposed to the elements, or which are heavily shaded. There is no heating in the enclosed areas you'll be in, so please come prepared to stay as warm as you need to be. Conversely, if you get warm easily, come prepared to stay as cool as you need to be. Consider ice-packs, a cool cloth for your neck, a handheld misting fan, etc...
Chilled bottles of water will be available to help keep you hydrated and comfortable.
- The tour should last approximately 60-90 minutes, depending on the number of questions asked.
If you need directions to the building, please see below for a clear set of instructions.
If you have any questions ahead of your walkthrough tour, please feel free to email or give us a call at the office: 530-273-3990.
Thank you, and we'll look forward to seeing you on Thursday the 18th at 5:30!
- From Idaho Maryland Road, with downtown Grass Valley behind you and Brunswick Road ahead of you, you'll turn RIGHT onto CENTENNIAL DRIVE.
- Follow CENTENNIAL DRIVE as it curves to the left and becomes WHISPERING PINES LANE.
- Stay on WHISPERING PINES LANE for just about one mile, then turn RIGHT onto CROWN POINT CIRCLE. Stay to your left and continue up the hill.
- When you reach the top of CROWN POINT CIRCLE, turn LEFT onto CROWN POINT COURT. The building will be immediately on your right, and has signage out front indicating that it is the construction site and future home of our building. There is fencing all around the building and surrounding parking lot, so it's practically impossible to miss.
- Please be aware that the InConcert Sierra office is located on Crown Point Circle and near the new building, but it's quite a bit further down the hill near Whispering Pines Lane. There is signage on the street directing folks to our office. Do not follow those signs, and instead continue to the top of the hill. The address of our office is 333 Crown Point Circle, so if you find yourself at that address, leave the parking lot, then turn left and continue up the hill.
Most sincerely,
Micah Cone
Production Manager / Admin. Support
530-470-3237 ~ Mobile / 530-273-3990 ~ Office