It's that time of year again! The Caring and Sharing tree is up in the lobby of the Grass Valley Police Department and WAS loaded with tags for holiday gifts to cheer local children! Thanks to all who dropped by to pick up tags with childrens’ gift requests. ALL of the tags have been taken! The tree is now depleted of requests!
Thanks to all who brought gifts for the children to our Holiday Party on December 7 and to Judy Soldavini and George for delivering them to GV PD for us.
Spread the holiday JOY!
If you wish to make a donation to Caring and Sharing, make checks payable to GVPOA, with the memo Caring and Sharing!
Not going to make the holiday party?  Coordinate your gift delivery directly with Judy.
The Grass Valley Police Department is at 129 S Auburn St, Grass Valley, CA 95945. 
The tree will be richly ladened with tags indicating a child's name, age and special gift request. The tree is a wonderful way to bring joy to a child.  Judy and George have been participating for a number of years and are encouraging Nevada City Rotary Club members to participate with them as a Club!