The Caldor Fire left a devastating scar on the Sierra forest.  On Saturday, Oct 28, a team of Rotarians from across D5190 partnered with Boys Scouts and Sugar Pine Foundation volunteers to replant trees in the Grizzly Flats area, the epicenter of the Caldor Fire. A big thank you to all who participated in bringing new life to Grizzly Flats. You make hard work look fun being together!
Rotarian crew: PDG Berta Pickett, Bill Boon, RYLA grad Lucas, Cari Geldreich, and PDG Wyn Spiller and Cathy Wilcox-Barnes  — tools and seedlings in hand. Not pictured, Kurt and Polly Raffeto.


Preparing to replant.


Cathy, as always, happy to be digging to plant!


Bill Boon at work.



A big hand to partners on the replanting team!

A day to remember

Caldor Fire Replanting – October 28, 2023

Our Rotary Clubs, Boy Scouts of America, and The Sugar Pine Foundation

10 am – 1 pm Grizzly Flats

9.5 acres with prominent pink flags off Leoni Meadow Road

38°36'35.1"N 120°27'44.9"W”

Click here for Map