We return to CREEKSIDE NEVADA CITY for our lunch meeting.
Please RSVP with your meal choice:
  1. Salad Option
    The Caesar with Chicken: Classic Caesar dressing, local gems, shaved parmesan, deer creek sourdough crostini, shallot jam.
  2. Meat Option
    Classic Hamburger with fries.
  3. Vegetarian Option
    The Caesar: Classic Caesar dressing, local gems, shaved parmesan, deer creek sourdough crostini, shallot jam.
Menu is subject to changes due to availability of ingredients. Please RSVP by noon on Wednesday and specify your choice for lunch. Meeting charges are $25 if you are eating and $10 if you are not eating. You may pay  with cash, check or credit card (+$1 fee - $26/meal) at lunch. If you wish to prepay, after you have RSVPed, go here to prepay.  Add $1/meal (i.e. $26) to cover fees and notify Tom Ryan via Email that you have prepaid.

Lunch Policy – Adopted by the Board Aug. 14, 2023

  • All in attendance pay $25 for lunch or $10 if not eating.
  • Prospective members are guests for up to 2 noon meetings plus their induction.
  • Prospective members are encouraged to attend 2 noon meetings and 1 social no-host meeting.
  • Sponsors are responsible to make reservations for prospective members.
  • Sponsor is responsible to make reservations for family and guests attending induction at a noon meeting. These are paying guests, but the sponsor may choose to host them.
  • Meal tickets will be required for all attendees: 3 meal choices, not eating, and 1 choice for visiting Rotarians and guests who have not made a reservation (no ordering from the menu).
  • Treasurer should be in the same location near the main entrance each meeting. Greeter will explain procedure to guests and direct them to the treasurer. 
  • The treasurer will mark a membership roster for all attendees, adding names of visiting Rotarians and guests, collect payments and issue meal tickets, one person at a time.
  • The use of prepayment option will be encouraged. A $1/meal fee with be paid for credit card payments.
  • Invoices will be emailed/sent to those who do not pay in advance or who have forgotten cash or check in the amount of $27.50 per meal.